Whitney's CI5472 Blog

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Week 7: Genre Analysis

One of my favorite television genres would have to be the more recently founded Reality T.V. Sometimes I cannot even describe what it is about this genre that I find appealing, while other times I know that it is the idea of catching a glimpse inside a stranger’s life that makes me curious. However, I am picky about which reality T.V. shows I will watch. I do not like shows that involved a lot of drama such as, The Real World, because I am not a very dramatic person, not to mention I want to remain a moral person:) On the other hand, I loved the reality T.V. show, The Newlyweds, featuring Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey because obviously watching a celebrity’s daily life has its appeal.

I’ve always found great interest in people’s stories, things that make them who they are. This could be a close friend or a complete stranger, but for some reason, I truly enjoying knowing what make people tick and what can set them off. I also believe that there is something about watching other’s lives and drama while being able to remain disconnected that is appealing.

I think that reality T.V. breaks many of the typical genre characteristics. While there are characteristics such as setting, characters, iconography, and mood, each of these characteristics is different according to which reality T.V. show one is viewing. I will use the show Newlyweds to outline reality T.V.’s characteristics.

Setting: The setting in this show could take place anywhere that Jessica or Nick go. Much of the show takes place in their own home, but viewers also follow Jessica as she goes shopping or to the dentist office. We watch as Nick does chores around the house or sings in a Thanksgiving Day parade.

Characters: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are the main characters in this show. However, “supporting characters” include family members from both Jessica and Nick’s immediate family. We also get to know a few of the couple’s close friends such as Jessica’s personal assistant, Cacee. Throughout this show, men are seen as “guys guys” just hanging out and having a good time, or trying to fix something. The women are caught doing very typical “women” things such as shopping or cooking.

Plot: One thing I like about reality T.V. is that there is not a written plot. The viewers don’t know what to expect to see or what will take place from week to week. However, we do know that most weeks will either include a specific event, something funny, or a conflict between the couple.

Iconography: In the show Newlyweds, we do expect to see objects and images that show the couple’s status and wealth. If this were a show about a typical newlywed couple, the show would probably not have been a success. Part of the reason people loved this show was for the fact that Nick and Jessica were able to take great vacations, buy whatever they wanted, and live in a gorgeous mansion at such a young age. This appeals to an audience.

Mood: Throughout this show, viewers expect the mood to be light and carefree. I think that’s another reason why I prefer this type of reality show to some others. I can walk away from the T.V. feeling positive and happy as opposed to depressed. Even if the couple in this show argues, the viewers know that it will not last long and we will soon witness the make-up. Also, viewers enjoy watching and Nick and Jessica do sweet things for one another and spend time together.

Cinematic Style: I’m not sure what cinematic style is in this type of genre, but many typical shots are following the couple around or funny expressions that Nick and Jessica make toward one another. Also, the cameras capture many of the funny or silly quirks that the newlyweds have. This makes reality T.V. seem believable to the audience. It makes the characters seem real and personable.
