Whitney's CI5472 Blog

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Week 3 -Storyboard


This commercial comes from the 2007 Super bowl. It happens to be a commercial that is very funny and surprising at the same time. The setting seems to be a backyard bar-b-q where everyone is having a very fun time until two people reach for the last Bud Light at the same time. This obviously creates a conflict. The two men decide to play rock, paper, scissors to see who wins the Bud Light. Throughout this commercial there are many different camera angles such as the long shot as well as the medium shot. Also, the lighting used in this commercial is high-key lighting which is used in many comedies. This helps the audience to know to expect something funny to happen during these brief 30 seconds. The extremely long shot was used to establish the scene of the commercial. This is how the audience knew to feel relaxed and comfortable because of the causal outdoor party taking place. In the background people are chatting and laughing. When the camera zooms in to the medium shot, the audience observes two young men that seem perplexed because of the current situation. When one suggests a round of rock, paper, scissors, both seem to agree this is the best decision. This sets the audience at ease again. When the audience watches the men count one, two, three, there is an expectation that this problem will be solved by whoever wins the game. The surprising factor is that one man throws a wad of paper while another throws a rock on the count of three and knocks the other guy in the head. This creates an element of surprise which causes the audience to laugh when the guy falls to the ground. The last camera shot is a high-angle shot and the camera is looking down on the guy on the ground. This perhaps tells the audience that if you don’t end up with the Bud Light, you may end up in a similar situation like this guy.


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